Choose 2 abilities: ✪ Gills, ✪ Camouflage, ✪ Second Sight, ✪ Suction Skin
Language: Zordin, Common
The Zordin are a mysterious people who hail from beyond the borders of Tel-Kanan, where Lord Adod’s cyclone devolves into the formless Chaos. Zordin who find their way to Tel-Kanan may be infiltrators, exiles, or castaways from this deadly and unfathomable realm of monsters.
Few Kananites have encountered the Zordin before. Fewer still know that Zordin raiders somehow succeeded in destroying the Mazrian empire. Mazrians, however, are now aware of this fact. Consequently, most Mazrians will try to capture or kill any Zordin they encounter.
Ask the Guide:
Which tribe does that Zordin person hail from?
Do I recognize that creature from the Chaos realm?
Has the Chaos influenced this island's weather or environment?
Playing a Zordin
You are dreamtouched by the Chaos: you have vividly unusual physical features, such as color-shifting skin, eyes with W-shaped pupils, green blood, a distinct smell, or others. (See the table in the next section for a full list). Most of these features are cosmetic, but some offer special advantages.
Some Zordin look monstrous and alien, at least to Kananite and Mazrian observers. Others have an otherworldly beauty and elegance, like fae beings from ancient legends.
Choose two of the following four abilities: ✪ Camouflage, ✪ Gills, ✪ Sideways Sight, or ✪ Suction Skin. Each ability reflects your mastery over one of your physical traits.
✪ Camouflage
Your skin shifts colors and textures. When you Hide, roll with a d6 advantage die. You can only use this ability if the following conditions are met:- You aren’t wearing heavy armor or a helmet.
- You aren’t holding or carrying a large weapon or shield (that is, any item that must be stowed on your back).
✪ Gills
You can breathe underwater.✪ Sideways Sight
You’ve learned to sense the presence of light magic, which is detailed in the Sorcerer calling. You can see the Rephaim that mediate magical effects as a faint shimmering presence, subverting light magic illusions. ✪ Suction Skin
Parts of your skin are tessellated with small, shallow suction cups. When you Climb or Grapple a foe you’ve taken hold of, roll with a d6 advantage die. This ability doesn’t work if you wear gloves or use some other tool to take hold of a foe.Zordin Names
Pick one: Alfonsu, Denya, Ekwesh, Furio, Lukka, Pelset, Teresh, Tjeker.
Or invent your own. Many Zordin take the name of whispered words or phrases they hear from the Skysea’s turbulence, which can take the form of random dictionary words or encyclopedia article titles.
Zordin Keepsakes
Through their nomadic peregrinations, the Zordin are the inheritors of much of the ancient Earth’s surviving material culture: mostly plastic objects and other weird knicknacks the Rephaim has inexplicably accreted upon and preserved.
Choose or roll one or two times from the following table, or invent your own.
Dreamtouched Traits
The Chaos has physically changed the bodies of many Zordin. Choose one or two physical traits from the table, or invent your own.
Zordin Abilities
You can learn this ability with XP.